Details of company: Heavy Tamper s. r. o., Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00, Praha 3 - Žižkov, Česká republika, tel.: +420 724341696, IČO:05570549, DIČ:CZ05570549

Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (T & C) shall govern and regulate relations between Purchaser and Seller in the area of Internet business between the Seller Heavy Tamper s. r. o. and its clients (Purchasers). It is the Purchaser‘s responsibility to review the T & C prior to placing an order.

  1. Definitions and Interpretations

The Seller

Heavy Tamper s. r. o. – IČO: 055 70 549, located in Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00 Praha 3 - Žižkov, carrying on business (c.o.b.) selling coffee making and producing equipment and supplies.

Contact Information


The Purchaser

The Purchaser is aware that by buying products from the Seller does not obtain any rights to use registered trademarks, business names, logos or patents registered by the Seller or his suppliers, unless a specific contract is entered into.

To enter into a business relationship, the Purchaser provides only contact information necessary for order processing, or information requested on bill of purchase.

Legal relations not specified in these T & C are regulated by Czech Civil Law No. 40/1964 and pertinent documents.

A prior Agreement between the Seller and the Purchaser supersedes the T & C.

II. Purchase Agreement

A Purchase Agreement shall be expedited by a Confirmation Order. By entering into a Purchase Agreement, the Purchaser is acknowledging these T & A. Prior to ordering, the Purchaser is advised to review the T & C. These T & C are an undivided part of the Agreement.

The Agreement shall be in Czech or English. This Agreement is stored by the Seller and is not available to third parties. Information about the ordering process, leading to a Purchase Agreement is specified during the ordering process at our Internet site; the Purchaser is able to review and correct his Order prior to completion. The T & C are available on our website for the Purchaser’s download.

An invoice is generated for each transaction to serve as both tax and delivery receipts. The Purchaser receives goods in a form requested via electronic order.

The Seller is the owner of goods until full payment is received from the Purchaser.


III. Ordering Procedure

How to Order

The Purchaser can place an electronic order through „E-shop“ (eshop) 24 hrs daily.


When placing an Order, the Purchaser acknowledges and accepts the T & C.

An Order shall constitute a Purchase Agreement when the Order is confirmed. The Purchaser shall receive goods at the price effective upon ordering. The total price consists of the price of the selected merchandise, shipping costs and Value Added Tax (VAT). The total price is shown before finishing the Order. The price list is posted on eshop.

To complete an Order, we need your full name, telephone number, e-mail address, mailing/delivery address, mode of delivery and payment, and your basket content. In the event of a phone Order, the Purchaser will be asked for the above information and the Order Confirmation will be sent to his e-mail. We cannot accept a credit card payment over the phone, only on eshop.

Creating an Account

After placing an electronic Order, the Purchaser can create an account. After entering their e-mail address and password, the information will be available automatically when a future order is placed. The data can be updated and changed periodically. We recommend creating an account with us, in order to follow up the Order status. A Purchaser who elects not to create an account may continue ordering as a Guest shopper.

Shipping and Delivery

Preparation for shipping means the time required for transferring the ordered merchandise to our delivery partner selected by the Purchaser. Orders are being processed and shipped during regular working days.

The merchandise belongs to the Purchaser at the time of its delivery and full payment.

Cancellation or change of Order by the Seller

The Seller reserves the right to cancel any Order or portion thereof before the Purchasing Agreement takes effect if:

  • The product is no longer available;
  • The product supplier’s price has significantly increased.

In the event of the above situation, the Seller will contact the Purchaser immediately.

If an order is placed for a non stocked product, the Seller will confirm via phone/email the price and a new date of delivery. The Purchaser has the option of cancelling the Order, and if prepaid, the payment will be refunded.

The Seller may cancel an Order if the Purchaser's bank transfer was not deposited in Seller’s bank account on the 3rd working day after the due date.

Cancellation or change of Order by the Purchaser

The Purchaser may cancel or change their Order prior to the dispatch or pick up of the Order. The Purchaser may cancel his order via:

  • Email to

If the total price of an Order will be lower, due to a cancellation or alteration, the Seller will contact the Purchaser promptly to discuss a refund. If the Purchaser cancels the Order after shipment, the rules under VI. Termination of the Agreement will apply.

Tracing an Order

Only Purchasers with eshop account will be able to check the status of their last Order after signing in.

Purchasers making Guest Orders will be informed of Order status via e-mail notices to their e-mail address provided at time of ordering. Purchasers with their own account will receive automatic notices.


  1. Terms of Delivery

The Seller will provide an invoice with all pertinent data with each delivery.

The shipment will be ready within 24 hours from Order, or as stated.

When paying via bank transfer, the Seller will issue an invoice and email it to the Purchaser. Payment is due in 14 days from the invoice date; and merchandise will be shipped with applicable receipts after payment is deposited in Seller’s bank account. If the payment is not deposited by the 3rd working day after the due date to the Seller’s bank account, the Order will be cancelled automatically.

If some specialty items require longer delivery due to its exclusivity, the Seller will contact the Purchaser immediately.

Goods will be delivered as per Purchaser's instructions in the electronic Order:

  1. Czech Post Office – Business Package
  2. Czech Post Office – Business Package C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery)
  3. DHL - EU and worldwide



Unless otherwise stated, the address stated in the electronic order is regarded as the place of delivery.

All delivery tariffs are subject to change.

We are not charging any service or handling fees.



  1. Terms of Payment

The Purchaser may select via electronic Order the following forms of payment:

  1. Credit/debit card (VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Club)
  2. PayPal

The bank may not confirm your credit card payment for the following reasons:

  • card information provided was incorrect
  • there are insufficient funds in the account, or the Internet transaction limit is exceeded
  • card is not authorized for Internet transactions and you should contact your bank

Please contact us if you experience any problems processing your payment.

Our bank account number: 7263090257/5500  (Raiffeisenbank)

IBAN: CZ38 5500 0000 0072 6309 0257  SWIFT: RZBCCZPP


  1. Termination of the Agreement

In accordance with § 53 Czech Civil Law No. 40/1964 Sb., the Purchaser may terminate his contract without giving any reason within 14 days after delivery. Should the Purchaser decide to terminate his contract in this time period, the following conditions must be met:

  • Merchandise will be returned by mail to: Coffee Hub, Bělehradská 34, 120 00 Praha 2. Merchandise returned by mail and sent C.O.D. will not be accepted.
  • The Purchaser shall include invoice and proof of payment.
  • Returned merchandise must be complete, undamaged, include supplies and all documentation and gifts that were part of the transaction. Missing parts or damaged merchandise will be deducted from the final refund.
  • If some of the above mentioned conditions are not met, the Seller reserves the right to refuse return or significantly lower the value of the refund.
  • Termination of the Agreement does not apply to: I) Merchandise or service prices affected by fluctuation of financial markets beyond the Seller’s control; II) Delivery of custom merchandise made to Purchaser's order, III) Merchandise that was partially used up and cannot be returned to its original state before the purchase.

The Seller will return the payment within 30 days of cancellation to the Purchaser's bank account. If the Purchaser is unable to return the merchandise in its original state, or if the value has diminished (merchandise was partially used or damaged), the Purchaser is required to replace the missing value in cash under § 458 sec. 1 of Czech Civil Law. Notice – the shipping fee is not refundable.


VII. Return Policy

If for any reason you need to return or exchange an item, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will do our very best to make you a satisfied and long-term customer. The return policy is in accordance with and governed by Czech Law. The Purchaser shall inspect the merchandise immediately after delivery for any possible defects or damage.

The Purchaser shall review the Return Policy before ordering. By accepting merchandise from the Seller the Purchaser is agreeing with the Return Policy below.

The invoice issued by Heavy Tamper s. r. o. ( IČ: 055 70 549, located in Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00 Praha 3) contains all information (name of product, date, quantity, price, order number) that is required for a return.

Limited Warranty

The warranty is effective on the date of accepting the merchandise by the Purchaser. The warranty is 24 month by law. This warranty applies to merchandise offered on eshop; its due- by-date is always indicated on the packaging.

How to proceed with a return

  • If you feel that items in your order are unsatisfactory, that we have made a mistake, or have any other complaints, please contact us at or write to us at Heavy Tamper s. r. o., Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00 Praha 3 and we will endeavour to resolve the problem.
  • Double check that merchandise is within the 24 months warranty, or that coffee received is within the due date indicated on the packaging.
  • Please return your merchandise by mail to Coffee Hub, Bělehradská 34, 120 00 Praha 2. We regret that we cannot accept any C.O.D. packages. You are responsible for the cost of returning the goods to us.
  • The returned merchandise must be accompanied by a letter with your contact, details describing your grievance and a copy of the original invoice.
  • In order to process a return, the following conditions apply:
    • The returned merchandise must be complete, in its original condition and packaging.
    • The merchandise must not be modified or damaged.
  • The Warranty is not applicable to defects that arise as a result of:
    • regular use of the product
    • improper maintenance or misuse of the product
    • improper storage of the product
    • Force Majeure or Force of Nature.



Deadline for Return or Exchange

Under Consumer Protection Law No. 634/1992 Sb., the Seller is required to process the return within 30 days from the date of return, failing which; the Purchaser has the same rights as dealing with an irreparable defect.

Dispute Resolution

If the merchandise delivered is faulty or delivered in error with the Order, we will correct the item and exchange or repair it. If this is not possible, the Purchaser may request a discount or cancel the Order. This is not applicable if the Purchaser was aware of the discrepancy prior to accepting delivery, or the Purchaser caused the dispute.

The dispute over a Purchase Agreement within 6 month of accepting a delivery of goods will be considered as existing at the time of accepting delivery, if it is not contradictory or otherwise.

In the event of a dispute, please follow the rules under Return Policy.

How we will respond:

  • We will assess your return and contact you with assessment.
  • We will exchange or repair the item, if applicable.
  • If you decline an exchange or repair, we will refund the price of the merchandise, less shipping.
  • If you choose a refund, we will send you a credit note for your signature. Upon receipt of signed credit note, we will credit your bank account.


VIII. Security and Confidentiality

The Seller will handle all personal information as outlined by Personal Information Privacy Protection Law No. 101/2000 Sb.

The Seller declares to keep all personal information confidential; it will be used for the related business purpose only and will not be publicized or supplied to a third party.

The Purchaser shall advise the Seller regarding any changes in identification, invoicing and contact information that could affect the execution of the purchase agreement.


  1. Final Provisions

The Terms and Conditions are effective as of September 1st, 2010. The Seller reserves the right to change the T & C including shipping rates at any time without prior notice.

Compiled from Czech Civil Law No. 40/1964 Sb;

Business Law No. 513/1991 Sb.;

Personal Information Privacy Protection Law No. 101/2000 Sb.; and

Consumer Protection Law No. 634/1992 Sb.



Zásady ochrany osobních údajů



Základní ustanovení

  1. Správcem osobních údajů podle čl. 4 bod 7 nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů (dále jen: „GDPR”) je Heavy Tamper, IČ 05570549, se sídlem Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00 Praha 3 (dále jen: „správce“).
  2. Kontaktní údaje správce jsou Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00 Praha 3, email:, telefon: 724341696.
  3. Osobními údaji se rozumí veškeré informace o identifikované nebo identifikovatelné fyzické osobě; identifikovatelnou fyzickou osobou je fyzická osoba, kterou lze přímo či nepřímo identifikovat, zejména odkazem na určitý identifikátor, například jméno, identifikační číslo, lokační údaje, síťový identifikátor nebo na jeden či více zvláštních prvků fyzické, fyziologické, genetické, psychické, ekonomické, kulturní nebo společenské identity této fyzické osoby.
  4. Správce nejmenoval pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů.



Zdroje a kategorie zpracovávaných osobních údajů

  1. Správce zpracovává osobní údaje, které jste mu poskytl/a nebo osobní údaje, které správce získal na základě plnění Vaší objednávky.
  2. Správce zpracovává Vaše identifikační a kontaktní údaje a údaje nezbytné pro plnění smlouvy.



Zákonný důvod a účel zpracování osobních údajů

  1. Zákonným důvodem zpracování osobních údajů je
  • plnění smlouvy mezi Vámi a správcem podle čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. b) GDPR,
  1. Účelem zpracování osobních údajů je
  • vyřízení Vaší objednávky a výkon práv a povinností vyplývajících ze smluvního vztahu mezi Vámi a správcem; při objednávce jsou vyžadovány osobní údaje, které jsou nutné pro úspěšné vyřízení objednávky (jméno a adresa, kontakt), poskytnutí osobních údajů je nutným požadavkem pro uzavření a plnění smlouvy, bez poskytnutí osobních údajů není možné smlouvu uzavřít či jí ze strany správce plnit,
  1. Ze strany správce nedochází k automatickému individuálnímu rozhodování ve smyslu čl. 22 GDPR.



Doba uchovávání údajů

  1. Správce uchovává osobní údaje
  • po dobu nezbytnou k výkonu práv a povinností vyplývajících ze smluvního vztahu mezi Vámi a správcem a uplatňování nároků z těchto smluvních vztahů (po dobu 15 let od ukončení smluvního vztahu).
  1. Po uplynutí doby uchovávání osobních údajů správce osobní údaje vymaže.



Příjemci osobních údajů (subdodavatelé správce)

  1. Příjemci osobních údajů jsou osoby
  • podílející se na dodání zboží / služeb / realizaci plateb na základě smlouvy,
  • zajišťující služby provozování e-shopu a další služby v souvislosti s provozováním e-shopu,
  • zajišťující marketingové služby.
  1. Správce nemá v úmyslu předat osobní údaje do třetí země (do země mimo EU) nebo mezinárodní organizaci.


Vaše práva

  1. Za podmínek stanovených v GDPR máte
  • právo na přístup ke svým osobním údajům dle čl. 15 GDPR,
  • právo opravu osobních údajů dle čl. 16 GDPR, popřípadě omezení zpracování dle čl. 18 GDPR.
  • právo na výmaz osobních údajů dle čl. 17 GDPR.
  • právo vznést námitku proti zpracování dle čl. 21 GDPR a
  • právo na přenositelnost údajů dle čl. 20 GDPR.
  • právo odvolat souhlas se zpracováním písemně nebo elektronicky na adresu nebo email správce uvedený v čl. III těchto podmínek.
  1. Dále máte právo podat stížnost u Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů v případě, že se domníváte, že bylo porušeno Vaší právo na ochranu osobních údajů.



Podmínky zabezpečení osobních údajů

  1. Správce prohlašuje, že přijal veškerá vhodná technická a organizační opatření k zabezpečení osobních údajů.
  2. Správce přijal technická opatření k zabezpečení datových úložišť a úložišť osobních údajů v listinné podobě.
  3. Správce prohlašuje, že k osobním údajům mají přístup pouze jím pověřené osoby.



Závěrečná ustanovení

  1. Odesláním objednávky z internetového objednávkového formuláře potvrzujete, že jste seznámen/a s podmínkami ochrany osobních údajů a že je v celém rozsahu přijímáte.
  2. S těmito podmínkami souhlasíte zaškrtnutím souhlasu prostřednictvím internetového formuláře. Zaškrtnutím souhlasu potvrzujete, že jste seznámen/a s podmínkami ochrany osobních údajů a že je v celém rozsahu přijímáte.
  3. Správce je oprávněn tyto podmínky změnit. Novou verzi podmínek ochrany osobních údajů zveřejní na svých internetových stránkách, případně Vám zašle novou verzi těchto podmínek na e-mailovou adresu, kterou jste správci poskytl/a.


Tyto podmínky nabývají účinnosti dnem 25. 5. 2018.






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