Details of company: Heavy Tamper s. r. o., Bořivojova 741/95, 130 00, Praha 3 - Žižkov, Česká republika, tel.: +420 724341696, IČO:05570549, DIČ:CZ05570549
3 items total
1083 2 jigger monteferno s teflonem 30 45ml

CNC machine made very precise bartender Jigger with volumes of 10,20,30ml / 15,30,40,45ml. The jigger was designed for demanding bartenders. It is practically indestructible...

PhotoRoom 20211116 081311

New and stylish Heavy T. tamper with new innovations. We have combined the tried and tested King and Hard models and pushed the boundaries even higher. The novelty is not only...

PhotoRoom 20211116 081645

New and stylish Heavy T. tamper with new innovations. We have combined the tried and tested King and Hard models and pushed the boundaries even higher. The novelty is not only...